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İngilis dili 8 PDF: 8-ci sinif üçün ingilis dilində oxuma, yazma, danışma və dinləmə bacarıqlarını i


Ingilis Dili 8 PDF: A Guide for Students and Teachers

If you are an 8th grade student or a teacher of English in Azerbaijan, you might have heard of Ingilis Dili 8 PDF. It is a digital textbook that covers the English curriculum for the 8th grade level. But what exactly is Ingilis Dili 8 PDF and how can you use it effectively? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with some useful information about this innovative learning resource.

ingilis dili 8 pdf

What is Ingilis Dili 8 PDF?

Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is a digital textbook that was created by the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan in collaboration with the British Council. It is part of the E-Dərslik project, which aims to provide online textbooks for all subjects and grades in Azerbaijan. Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is designed to help students learn English in a fun and interactive way, as well as to support teachers in delivering effective lessons.

A digital textbook for 8th grade English learners in Azerbaijan

Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is based on the national curriculum for English as a foreign language for the 8th grade level. It covers the four main skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. It also incorporates topics and themes that are relevant and interesting for Azerbaijani students, such as culture, education, environment, health, sports, and technology.

The benefits of using Ingilis Dili 8 PDF

There are many benefits of using Ingilis Dili 8 PDF as a learning resource. Some of them are:

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  • It is free and easy to access. You can download it from the E-Dərslik portal or read it online on any device.

  • It is interactive and engaging. You can listen to audio recordings, watch videos, play games, do quizzes, and check your answers.

  • It is flexible and adaptable. You can choose the topics and skills that suit your needs and preferences.

  • It is comprehensive and reliable. You can find everything you need to learn English in one place.

How to access and download Ingilis Dili 8 PDF

To access and download Ingilis Dili 8 PDF, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the E-Dərslik portal and register with your email address or phone number.

  • Select the subject "English" and the grade "8" from the drop-down menus.

  • Click on the book cover of "English - 8" to open it.

  • You can either read it online or download it as an ePub file for offline reading.

What are the main features of Ingilis Dili 8 PDF?What are the main features of Ingilis Dili 8 PDF?

Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is not just a digital version of a printed textbook. It has many features that make it unique and effective as a learning resource. Let's take a look at some of them.

The structure and content of the textbook

Ingilis Dili 8 PDF consists of 10 units, each focusing on a different topic and skill. The units are:


















Reading and Writing



Listening and Speaking


Holidays and Festivals

Reading and Listening


Careers and Jobs

Writing and Speaking


Literature and Art

Reading and Writing


Countries and People

Listening and Speaking

Each unit has four main sections: Introduction, Practice, Review, and Project. The Introduction section introduces the topic and the skill of the unit, as well as the learning objectives and outcomes. The Practice section provides various exercises and activities to help students practice the skill and develop their language competence. The Review section summarizes the main points and vocabulary of the unit, and gives students a chance to check their understanding and progress. The Project section encourages students to apply their knowledge and skills to a creative task related to the topic of the unit.

Units, topics, and skills covered in Ingilis Dili 8 PDF

The units, topics, and skills covered in Ingilis Dili 8 PDF are carefully selected and aligned with the national curriculum and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). They aim to help students achieve the level of A2/B1 in English by the end of the 8th grade. The topics are relevant and interesting for Azerbaijani students, as they reflect their culture, values, and interests. The skills are balanced and integrated, as they enable students to communicate effectively in different situations and contexts.

Exercises, activities, and assessments in Ingilis Dili 8 PDF

The exercises, activities, and assessments in Ingilis Dili 8 PDF are designed to help students practice and improve their language skills in a fun and interactive way. They include:

  • Listening exercises that use audio recordings of native and non-native speakers of English, covering a variety of accents, topics, and genres.

  • Speaking exercises that use prompts, questions, dialogues, role-plays, and presentations to help students express their opinions, preferences, feelings, and ideas.

  • Reading exercises that use texts from different sources, such as newspapers, magazines, websites, books, and poems, covering a range of topics and styles.

  • Writing exercises that use models, guides, rubrics, and feedback to help students produce different types of texts, such as emails, letters, stories, essays, and reports.

  • Grammar exercises that use rules, examples, tables, charts, and diagrams to help students learn and practice the main grammatical structures of English.

  • Vocabulary exercises that use definitions, synonyms, antonyms, collocations, word families, and word games to help students learn and practice the key words and phrases related to each topic.

  • Pronunciation exercises that use sounds, symbols, stress patterns, intonation curves, and tongue twisters to help students improve their pronunciation of English.

  • Quizzes that use multiple choice questions, true/false statements, fill-in-the-blanks sentences, and matching tasks to help students check their understanding and progress.

Additional resources and materials in Ingilis Dili 8 PDF

Besides the main textbook content, Ingilis Dili 8 PDF also provides some additional resources and materials to enhance the learning experience. They include:

  • A glossary that lists all the words and phrases used in each unit, along with their definitions and translations in Azerbaijani.

  • A grammar reference that explains all the grammatical structures used in each unit, along with some extra examples and exercises.

  • A video library that contains all the videos used in each unit, as well as some extra videos related to each topic.

  • An audio library that contains all the audio recordings used in each unit, as well as some extra recordings related to each topic.

  • A game library that contains some fun games that can be played individually or in groups to practice vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

The design and layout of the textbook

Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is not only rich in content, but also attractive in design and layout. It uses colors, images, and fonts to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. It also uses navigation and interactivity to make it easy and enjoyable to use. Let's see how it does that.

The use of colors, images, and fonts in Ingilis Dili 8 PDF

Ingilis Dili 8 PDF uses a combination of colors, images, and fonts to create a consistent and coherent theme for each unit. The colors are bright and cheerful, reflecting the mood and tone of each topic. The images are relevant and interesting, illustrating the content and context of each skill. The fonts are clear and legible, making it easy to read and understand the text. The colors, images, and fonts also help to highlight the the main sections, headings, subheadings, keywords, and important information of each unit.

The navigation and interactivity of Ingilis Dili 8 PDF

Ingilis Dili 8 PDF uses a simple and intuitive navigation system that allows users to move easily and quickly between different parts of the textbook. It also uses a high level of interactivity that enables users to interact with the content and the media in various ways. Some of the navigation and interactivity features are:

  • A table of contents that shows all the units and sections of the textbook, and allows users to jump to any part they want.

  • A menu bar that provides access to the glossary, the grammar reference, the video library, the audio library, and the game library.

  • A toolbar that provides options to zoom in, zoom out, bookmark, print, share, and download the textbook.

  • A search box that allows users to search for any word or phrase in the textbook.

  • A feedback button that allows users to rate and comment on the textbook.

  • Buttons and icons that allow users to play, pause, stop, rewind, fast-forward, mute, and adjust the volume of the audio and video files.

  • Links and pop-ups that allow users to open additional information, explanations, examples, translations, and tips related to the content.

  • Drag-and-drop, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, true/false, matching, and other types of interactive exercises and quizzes that allow users to practice and check their skills and knowledge.

The compatibility and accessibility of Ingilis Dili 8 PDF

Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is compatible and accessible with different devices, platforms, browsers, and formats. It can be used on computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, e-readers, and other devices that support ePub files. It can be accessed online or offline through different platforms such as Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS, Linux, and others. It can be viewed on different browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and others. It can also be converted to other formats such as PDF or HTML if needed.

How to use Ingilis Dili 8 PDF effectively?

Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is a powerful and versatile learning resource that can help students and teachers achieve their goals in learning and teaching English. However, to use it effectively, it is important to follow some tips and strategies that can enhance the learning and teaching experience. Here are some of them.

Tips for students who want to learn English with Ingilis Dili 8 PDF

If you are a student who wants to learn English with Ingilis Dili 8 PDF, here are some tips for you:

  • Set a clear and realistic goal for your learning. What do you want to achieve by the end of the 8th grade? What skills and topics do you want to focus on? How much time and effort are you willing to invest?

  • Plan your learning and stick to it. How often and how long will you study with Ingilis Dili 8 PDF? Which units and sections will you cover each week? How will you track your progress and evaluate your results?

  • Use Ingilis Dili 8 PDF as a guide, not a rule. Don't feel obliged to follow the textbook in a linear or rigid way. You can skip, repeat, or revise any part that suits your needs and preferences.

  • Use Ingilis Dili 8 PDF as a tool, not a goal. Don't limit yourself to the textbook content. You can supplement it with other resources and materials, such as books, magazines, websites, podcasts, movies, songs, and games. You can also practice your skills with other people, such as classmates, friends, family members, or online partners.

  • Use Ingilis Dili 8 PDF as a friend, not a foe. Don't be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions. You can learn from your errors and improve your understanding. You can also seek help from your teacher, your peers, or online sources. You can also share your feedback and suggestions with the textbook developers.

Tips for teachers who want to teach English with Ingilis Dili 8 PDF

If you are a teacher who wants to teach English with Ingilis Dili 8 PDF, here are some tips for you:

  • Know your students and their needs. What are their levels, backgrounds, interests, and motivations? How do they learn best? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How can you help them achieve their goals?

  • Adapt Ingilis Dili 8 PDF to your context and objectives. How does the textbook fit with your curriculum and syllabus? How can you align it with your learning outcomes and assessment criteria? How can you modify it to suit your teaching style and methods?

  • Use Ingilis Dili 8 PDF as a resource, not a script. Don't feel obliged to follow the textbook in a fixed or predetermined way. You can select, omit, reorder, or supplement any part that suits your lesson plan and your students' needs.

  • Use Ingilis Dili 8 PDF as a support, not a substitute. Don't rely solely on the textbook to teach your students. You can use other resources and materials, such as your own knowledge, experience, and creativity, to enrich your lessons and make them more engaging and effective.

  • Use Ingilis Dili 8 PDF as a partner, not a competitor. Don't be intimidated or threatened by the textbook. You can use it to enhance your professional development and improve your teaching skills. You can also collaborate with other teachers who use the textbook, and share your ideas, feedback, and suggestions with the textbook developers.


Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is a digital textbook that can help students and teachers of English in Azerbaijan to learn and teach English in a fun and interactive way. It is based on the national curriculum and the CEFR standards, and covers the main skills and topics for the 8th grade level. It has many features that make it unique and effective as a learning resource, such as its structure, content, design, layout, navigation, interactivity, compatibility, and accessibility. It also provides some tips and strategies for using it effectively, depending on the needs and preferences of the users.

If you are interested in using Ingilis Dili 8 PDF, you can access it from the E-Dərslik portal or download it as an ePub file for offline reading. You can also contact the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan or the British Council for more information and support.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Ingilis Dili 8 PDF:

  • Q: Is Ingilis Dili 8 PDF available in other languages?A: No, Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is only available in English. However, it has some translations in Azerbaijani for some words and phrases in the glossary.

  • Q: Is Ingilis Dili 8 PDF suitable for self-study?A: Yes, Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is suitable for self-study, as it provides clear explanations, examples, exercises, quizzes, and feedback for each skill and topic. However, it is recommended to use it with a teacher or a tutor for guidance and support.

  • Q: Is Ingilis Dili 8 PDF updated regularly?A: Yes, Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is updated regularly by the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan and the British Council. They monitor the feedback from the users and make improvements accordingly.

  • Q: Is Ingilis Dili 8 PDF compatible with other textbooks?A: Yes, Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is compatible with other textbooks that follow the national curriculum and the CEFR standards for English as a foreign language. However, it is advised to check with your teacher or school before using it with other textbooks.

  • Q: Is Ingilis Dili 8 PDF safe and secure?A: Yes, Ingilis Dili 8 PDF is safe and secure. It does not contain any viruses or malware that can harm your device or data. It also does not collect any personal information from the users without their consent.


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